Our teeth are designed to withstand a lifetime of wear and tear, but oral hygiene and dental visits are a vital component of making this happen. In spite of our best efforts, it’s possible for problems to arise that require advanced care. When the infection has entered the pulp in your tooth, Root Canal Treatment will be necessary to preserve the tooth. At BlueJay Family Dental, we’re dedicated to helping families in the Council Bluffs, IA area find the relief they need from dental pain.


What Makes Root Canals Necessary?

Our teeth may appear to be solid at first glance, but they’re actually composed of three layers. Each layer serves an important function in the protection and maintenance of our health. Starting from the exterior, we have the hardest material in the human body, enamel. Beneath that is dentin, a softer layer filled with little tubules that run to the pulp. At the center of the organ that is our tooth is the pulp, the living heart of our teeth. Significant discomfort can occur when this pulp becomes infected. Without Treatment, we can experience the loss of the tooth, or worse.


Root Canal Treatment  may be required if:

  • A tooth becomes cracked or chipped
  • A filling is unsealed and leaking
  • Advanced tooth decay is present
  • Large fillings result in complications
  • The pulp is exposed through trauma or injury


These conditions can all cause the pulp of our teeth to become vulnerable to bacteria that can cause infection. Once it becomes infected, it’s necessary to clean out the narrow channels in our dental roots known as root canals. These canals are the space through which blood vessels and nerves enter and leave the tooth. Root Canal Treatments clean out this infection, fill in the canals with neutral material, and seal it against future infection.  


The Steps Involved In An Root Canal Treatment or Root Canal

There’s a long-standing misconception that root canal treatments are guaranteed to be excruciatingly painful. This myth has been pervasive in all forms of media, but reports from patients tell a much different story. Root Canal Treatments are incredibly effective pain relief treatments when an infection is present in a tooth. Receiving a root canal is fairly simple and often takes place over one or two visits.


  • Local Anesthesia – The process begins with Dr. Fidore anesthetizing the target tooth. A dental dam is then put in place to protect the tooth.
  • Tooth Opened – The next step involves using our Solea Dental Laser system or drill to clean out the interior of the tooth. Pulp and infection get cleaned away and the inside of the tooth prepared for fillings, etc.
  • Filling – A substance called gutta-percha is used to fill the tooth. It has a rubbery consistency.
  • Temporary Filling/Cap – A temporary cover is put in place while the permanent cap is prepared. During your follow-up visit, this will be removed to be replaced with the final restoration.


Root canal treatments may have a reputation for being painful, but they stand tall as an effective method of pain relief. They preserve the natural material of your tooth, providing many benefits. If you have more questions about these procedures, call our offices in Council Falls, IA, today!