For our team, maintaining your dental health is our top priority! At Bluejay Family Dental, we work with family members for the best solutions to toothaches, cavities, and other oral problems that cause pain and discomfort. However, in some cases, tooth extractions can be a necessary measure to keep your oral health intact and free from pain. We provide tooth extraction to help prevent the spread of bacteria and eliminate any signs of discomfort, tenderness, and pain associated with the affected tooth. During your appointment with us, we will take steps to make sure that your tooth extraction is simple, pain-free, and successful.


When Would A Tooth Extraction Be Necessary?


Knowing that you may need a tooth extraction may come as a shock the first time around. Tooth extractions remove the tooth permanently and require restorative treatments to replace the natural tooth and keep your teeth and gums healthy. While we emphasize that it is important to maintain your oral health to avoid tooth extractions, thisĀ procedure can help save teeth in the long run. When a tooth suffers from a cavity or pulp infection, the bacteria can spread from that tooth to other areas of the mouth, causing long-term health problems that are painful and costly.


There are some scenarios where a tooth extraction may be necessary, and those cases can include:


  • Severe Tooth Decay: Cavities that have spread beyond the enamel layer and into the dentin/pulp layers can cause severe amounts of damage to the tooth’s nerves and blood vessels, the areas of the tooth that give it life and the ability to sense temperature changes. These strains of bacteria can cause so much damage that not even root canals can save the tooth.
  • Gum Disease: In rarer cases, gum disease can advance into periodontal disease, which due to the number of bacteria, can cause the gums to decline to lead to tooth loss. Tooth extractions in these cases may be necessary if the infection has led to severe tooth decay.
  • Impacted Teeth: For children, most cases of tooth extraction are needed for wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth are the back molars that, when impacted, can cause the teeth to misalign and increase the risk of cavities.
  • Trauma/Overcrowding: Teeth misaligned or impacted by traumatic accidents often need tooth extractions to help save the natural feel and look of your teeth. If the damage caused by these conditions is severe enough, then a tooth extraction may be needed to correct the issue.


Tooth Extractions at Bluejay Family Dental


If you’re concerned about the prospects of a tooth extraction, then know that our team will work with you to have healthy teeth no matter what. Under the direction of Dr. Steven Fidone, our practice can provide tooth extractions that are safe, simple, and pain-free through our team of dentists and dental assistants. For more information about our dental services and how we perform our tooth extractions, then contact Bluejay Family Dental in Council Bluffs, IA, to arrange an appointment.