Need a touch-up for your smile? Then why not consider teeth whitening? Teeth whitening has become an attractive procedure for those who have difficulties with tooth stains and can’t find relief. At Bluejay Family Dental, we offer whitening services to adults who have difficulties with stained teeth or want a smile to touch up that will give them a gleaming, white smile that will last for weeks! If you find yourself struggling with tooth stains or want a prettier smile, then know that our team can help!


Why Get Teeth Whitening At Bluejay Family Dental

For many of our patients, we focus on providing the utmost quality care, and teeth whitening can be an excellent way to remove stains and leave behind a beautiful-looking smile. Our family-focused practice means we care for all of its members, and thus we offer teeth whitening options that work with patients whose teeth don’t respond well to over-the-counter options. But did you know that there are two types of tooth stains that can affect your teeth? When it comes to tooth stains, these two types include:

Surface Staining: As the most common type of stains found on the tooth’s surface, these stains occur from the accumulation of food particles from foods such as tea, coffee, wine, and berries. These types of stains can also appear when smoking and can easily be removed through a teeth whitening session.
Inner Staining: Inner staining refers to when the inner parts of the tooth, such as the dentin, are exposed to food particles and other substances. These stains tend to appear darker and more localized and can be caused by tooth decay, over fluoridation, and even some medications.

Milder surface stains can often be treated with over-the-counter teeth whitening products, but most of those products won’t last as long and won’t have the teeth whitening capabilities as professional whitening services. Both surface and inner stains can be treated by our team, as we use highly powerful peroxide solutions and whitening lights for a more effective session. At most, your teeth can be whitened by at least three shades of your natural tooth color, making it appear natural and clean.

Get Your Whitest Smile Through Teeth Whitening

At Bluejay Family Dental, we love providing our patients with the ability to have the best dental experience possible. When you schedule an appointment, our team works with Dr. Steven Fidone to keep your teeth healthy and clean through regular cleanings, fluoride treatments, and other treatment options. We aim to work with families and patients in our local community in the Council Bluffs, IA area to help maintain good oral health and give our patients healthier, happier smiles. Through a teeth whitening session with us, your teeth can appear a few shades lighter and appear brighter than never before. So why not schedule an appointment with Bluejay Family Dental today and see what we can do for you.